Mer, rhymes with bear (merriehaskell) wrote,
Mer, rhymes with bear

fuel to the fire

I woke up to a huge puddle of water in the kitchen. Dishwasher fail. While mopping that up, the cleaners came in--at 8, about 2.5 hours early. I'd been planning to call to cancel them anyway, between my sore throat keeping me home, and my stepdaughter being home, and my mom being here until her dentist appointment. Too many people to clean around!


*ouch, my throat*

The... good?... news is that Kali, the alarm cat, managed to let me know something was wrong in the kitchen before I came down. Now, mind you, I thought she just hadn't been fed, but as it turns out, she had, and she was just Very Concerned about the puddle of water. It's hard to tell the difference between Unexpected Water and Didn't Get Fed, as they involve very similar methods of alarm (there's some sitting on your chest like death, and staring into your face, and then leaping ahead of you when you get up to go somewhere, but I think the death-sitting is subtly different in each case). Her Smoke! Alarm! and Thunderstorm! Coming! are sufficiently different, however, so as not to get confusing. You are left without a doubt when something is burning, whether that's the neighbor's whole house or just toast in your own.

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