[10:17] FairMer10:: Misshelved, if you think about it, is the most useless thing to say about an item. How do you know? Isn't it just lost? If it's honestly misshelved, you can't know that. If you do know that, go shelve it properly.
[10:17] DiraSudis: *nodsnods*
[10:17] FairMer10:: So, we were coming up with "positive things" to say about the Aleph implementation.
[10:17] FairMer10:: (shrug)
[10:18] FairMer10:: And I said, "They decided to do away with 'misshelved.'" And there was blinking, as everyone took it in.
[10:18] FairMer10:: And someone said, "Who comes up with something like that?"
[10:18] DiraSudis: *grins*
[10:18] FairMer10:: And Harold said, "Well, Aleph is widely used in France."
[10:18] DiraSudis: hee!
[10:19] DiraSudis: Oh, France, man. I have heard horror stories - well, a horror story, anyway - about their big national library.
[10:19] FairMer10:: Oh?
[10:19] DiraSudis: Apparently it's just a big building full of rooms full of boxes full of things that are probably books.
[10:20] FairMer10:: "probably"
[10:20] FairMer10:: Yikes.
[10:20] DiraSudis: A professor I had for a drama class had gone over there to do research and they just took him to a room and said, "Here. What you're looking for is probably in here. Somewhere."
[10:20] FairMer10:: Yeah.
[10:21] FairMer10:: That's about as bad as it gets.
[10:21] DiraSudis: So, on the bright side, there are probably lots of treasures of French literature lurking somewhere.
[10:21] DiraSudis: And on the other bright side, at least we aren't the French.
[10:21] FairMer10:: Suddenly, misshelved takes on a whole new dimension.
[10:22] DiraSudis: Also, wouldn't that be a cool job? Trying to *fix* a library like that?
[10:23] FairMer10:: Yes.
[10:23] FairMer10:: Well, I'm jealous of what Brandon got to do in the Titiev library, and it wasn't half that bad.
[10:23] DiraSudis: Dave actually recommended me a SF book once, where the main character was a librarian and that was what she was doing - she was *creating* a library from all these boxes of stuff, and I was just, like. Guh.
[10:24] DiraSudis: But then it started focusing on guns and action and drama and stuff, and I lost interest.